Letter to Greta Thunberg Post COP 26 Glasgow.
Dear Greta.
I admire your Blah! Blah! Blah! skepticism preceding COP 26.
And your Associated Press quoted remarks after …. “as long as our main goal is to find loop-holes and find excuses, not to take real action, then we will most likely not see any big results in this meeting.”
Most of the people are listening to you. Indigenous people in Canada hear you loud and clear. The opening COP 26 poem by Yrsa Daley-Ward first line “Nothing will be saved without you” was inspirational but clearly not enough to move the rich countries of the world to commit to the $100 Billion US Green Climate Fund; even when the purpose of the fund for the poorer countries who suffer the most from rising temperatures and rising sea levels is to adapt to these climate impacts and to transition to renewable sources of energy.
I feel your pain and the pain of your generation!
With your perception and wisdom far beyond your years…. I’m certain that you already know that failure to act NOW internationally and locally, where the future shows up first will result in mass devastations, migrations, and mass starvation, and multiple wars for food, water, and energy.
There doesn’t seem to be an international co-operative path to keep the global temperature rise to 1.5 C by the early 2030’s after which time every positive action will be more difficult to achieve and more costly. So if we are going to keep the goal of 1.5 C alive as we must, much more aggressive action has to start from the bottom up in all communities everywhere.
It can be done with your help! Please join with us to mobilize local communities everywhere on earth to put plans in place to reduce local GHG emissions and build more resilient communities by 2030.
I think you already know that the rich nations of the world are willing to take their foot off the gas pedal in a more rapid shift to electric vehicle transportation; but not willing to abandon economic growth, and high-tech so-called solutions such as 5G, 6G, & 7G, robotics, crypto currencies, the IoT and artificial intelligence all of which will require more renewable energy than is available, increasing not decreasing per capita consumption of energy.
My hope is that you will keep the faith, keep on fighting with the hope that we can make a major dent by 2030 in GHG emissions while building more resilient communities in both the poor and rich countries of the world.
Continue to cherish Hope! Please!
There are millions of grandmothers and grandfathers in the world who support you – including those of us in Peterborough, Ontario Canada!