My book represents the accumulation of nearly 15 years of volunteering with Transition Town Peterborough. Our mission and focus continues to be on helping our community build resilience to the Climate Crisis Long Emergency.
The book represents a kind of outreach to would-be transitioners in Canada and the US and around the world; as well as in our own community; to focus on the same mission for the next 15 years. Wherever you live I urge you to sign up, make the leap, take the big step and volunteer to be part of the solution in any way you can. Helping others beyond your own self interest is your reward.
Also remember to celebrate with your community as we will continue to do after the pandemic with our three local transition town festivals… named the Purple Onion Harvest Festival for local food, the Dandelion Day Festival for local wellness and the Peter Patch LocalPalooza for local culture; all utilizing our local currency as the official currency of the festivals.
Once I get the hang of the blog I hope to communicate and share more of our experiences as you request.
Best and keep safe Fred
Now is the Time!
Now is the Time! is the story of Transition Town Peterborough, a not-for-profit organization located in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, evolving in real time during the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate crisis, as told by its founding director.
It is the story of the building blocks of achieving more resilient communities during the multiple crises of energy, economics, environment and equity, including social, racial, economic and the distribution of energy.